Digital Image Tool Digital Image Tool. This user friendly tool was created specifically to batch process images quickly, applying flexible resizing methods, rotation, cropping, scaling, watermarking, renaming and more. As a multimedia designer Digital Image Tool has come in very handy…..we made it originally for use in-house but decided to put a little more effort into the program and release it for free to the public!Features :
Recursive Directory Image Search
Locate and build a list of images to process, this allows you to search and list an entire drive on your computer system for supported images.
Water Marking
Protect your images! Automatically add the Copyright symbol as a transparent watermark to images, you control the level of transparency. You can also select a custom graphic that you can create yourself. Auto preview included.
Flexible Resizing
Simply set the new image size to 500 pixels and then set options such as FIT WIDTH, FIT HEIGHT or MAINTAIN ASPECT RATIO. This allows the images to be resized to conform to a specificwidth, height or both while maintaining original proportions.Resizing iscalculated after cropping and/or rotation has been applied.
Rename your image in a number of ways including sequencial numbering.
JPG Compression Preview
Quick and effective automatic preview of your JPG compression setting simply dragging the JPG quality slider. Will include watermark if selected.
Smart Output
The program will check for overwrites and warn you to avoid overwriting original files etc. as well as skip the output of images greater than 4000 X 4000 pixels, this avoids the greater possibility of crashing when dealing with very large images as well as ridiculous ouput sizes that may have been created based on either scaling or resize methods applied to particular images.
ie. fit image width but not height to 1000, an image perhaps 10 pixels X 2000 pixels would end up with its height being 200,000 pixels = not good.
Settings Saver
Various settings are automatically saved to speed up the process the next time you open the program.
Categories : Graphics
Prize : 0
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Lisensi : Freeware
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Digital Image Tool